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Health Care
Air Purifier
Alkaline Ionizer
Taste Living

    Shopping Cart
1 x CW100SES - Cristal Wine Cooler
1 x BM450 - Kenwood Bread Maker
1 x HD8833 - Philips Coffee Maker
1 x HD8854 - Philips Coffee Maker
2 x AC4012 - Philips Air Purifier
1 x FV40BD1HW - Panasonic Thermo Ventilator
1 x CW18B - Cristal Wine Cooler
1 x TKAS41 - Panasonic Alkaline Ionizer
1 x KYE227B - Panasonic Induction Cooker
1 x CW168DES - Cristal Wine Cooler
1 x FV30BG1HW - Panasonic Thermo Ventilator
1 x LIGHT - Cristal Electric Oven
1 x HD8944 - Philips Coffee Maker
1 x FV27BV1H - Panasonic Thermo Ventilator
1 x FUY30A - Sharp Air Purifier
1 x FJT09A2 - Panasonic Hand Dryer
1 x CDCF6 - Candy Dishwasher
1 x TKAS40 -Panasonic Alkaline Ionizer
1 x D32DSS- Cristal Sterilizer Carbinate
Total: HK$106,030.00

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If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact

Tel: 9153 0970 Mr. Wong

Email: info@glorify.com.hk

Postal Address: 5/F, 180 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

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